Unless you are from my little hometown and have known me most of my life, there’s probably a lot you don’t know about me. So, I’ve decided to enlighten you with this post. It wasn’t my idea, however. I’m stealing this great idea for a post from my fellow blogger, Shannon at Simply Shannonigans. She’s an awesome person who always has a positive attitude about the obstacles life throws at her. She also posts a lot of great recipes!
So, here we go!
1. Dennis and I have five kids.
We claim them all–there’s no mine or his. We may not see them often, but they are still ours. Our kids range in age from 22 to 29, and none of them live at home. The funny part is that I’ve known Dennis’s kids longer than he has. You see, I was Aubree’s preschool teacher when she was three. He didn’t adopt Aubree until she was five or six. Aubree did quit preschool, and I didn’t see her again until she and Meghan were in high school. They were cheerleaders together, and it took me a while to figure out why her name had changed.

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