Ways to Support Your Blogger Friends

Sharing is caring!

So, you have a friend. Sounds crazy, right? But, you do. And, said friend has decided to start a blog. How can you support your amazing friend and her efforts?  Luckily, there are several easy ways to support your blogger friends.

How can you support your blogger friends?

Read their posts.

If this seems simple, that’s because it is. The best way to support your friends is to read their blog posts. Then, let your friends know you read the blog. When you see them, tell them what you think. You can even make suggestions, perhaps about future posts to write.

Sign up for their mailing lists

If you sign up, you won’t miss a post, plus you may get extra information sent to you. You’ll be the first to find out what’s going on.  Bloggers won’t spam you–they don’t have that kind of time or energy. You can always opt out at any point. But, if they’re your friend, you won’t want to. Some bloggers offer a sign-up bonus or opt-in.  I don’t have one yet because I’m not sure what I want to use. Eventually I’ll come up with the perfect idea, and everyone on my mailing list will have access to it.

Comment on the posts

After reading, leave a positive comment on the post. If you don’t have anything nice to say, either don’t say it, or save it for a private time . Your comment should be genuine and  show that you read the post. You can ask a question or make an observation.  If the comment doesn’t show up right away, don’t worry. Many bloggers have to accept or approve the comment before it posts.

Share their blog and blog posts

Most bloggers have sharing buttons, either on the side or at the top or bottom of their posts, making sharing easy. We love it when our posts are shared. You can share to Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, or more.  You can also copy and paste our links to share them. Our goal is to get more people to read what we’ve written. By sharing, you are helping us do that. It’s exciting to see those social media share numbers rise.  And, by sharing you’re telling Google that our sites are important.

Stay a while

Pour yourself a cup of tea and sit down for a spell when you read. Believe it or not, it’s better for us if you spend two minutes or more reading a post. When you’re done, click to another post on the page or two. Then, comment or share. If you do this, it really helps us lower our bounce rate and shows Google that our content is important.

Use our affiliate links

There are a couple of ways bloggers make money. One is by hosting ads on their sites. Click on the links and see what’s being offered if it’s interesting to you. Some companies pay a tiny amount per click. It’s not a lot, but it can add up. Others pay per purchase. And, believe it or not, you don’t always have to purchase what’s being advertised.

I’m an Amazon affiliate. Later I may add more advertising, but for now that’s it. I get money (not very much, but a little) if you click on my Amazon banner or book or product links and make a purchase.  You can purchase anything you want, and it will help us out. Keep this in mind when you need something from Amazon. Yes, it’s an extra step to visit our website, but it keeps us out tremendously. Most bloggers aren’t getting rich from this. I’ve seriously only made $10.07 in the last three months, but it’s a little bit, and hopefully, it will grow.

Click on our links

To help optimize our site for search engines, we add links to our posts. If I link to something on my own site,  like this article on Disney’s Happily Ever After Dessert Party, it’s called an internal link.  Linking to another site, like Dennis’s company, Carney-McNicholas  or our oldest daughter’s blog is an external link.  Clicking on internal links keeps you on our site and lowers our bounce rate. Visiting external links also help us, but not in the same way. However, these are both great ways to help support your blogger friends.

Let us know if you find an error

Typos and errors are a fact of life. In fact, it’s hard to proofread your own writing. Many authors tend to read over their own mistakes–we read what we think the article, essay, or story should say.  Sure, if I go back a week later, I may see that mistake, but it’s hard to see them when you’ve been working on a post for a couple of hours. Please don’t mention the error in your public comment–send a private message or email the person.  Most of us will thank you and quickly go fix the issue.

Follow us on social media

If you like what you see, you can follow your blogger friend on his or her Facebook page, Twitter, or Instagram. Often, the information on those social media networks will be different than what’s on the website.  Here are my links. Just click on them to open a new link and start following.

Cleland Clan’s Social Media Accounts

1. Follow Cleland Clan on Facebook.
2. Follow Cleland Clan on Twitter.
3. Follow Cleland Clan on Instagram.
4. Follow Cleland Clan on Pinterest.


Recommend our site to your friends and family

Another way to support your blogger friends is to recommend their sites to your friends and family. You can do this by word of mouth or even by sharing on social media. Know someone heading to Walt Disney World? Send them over to our site–I have several articles on Disney.  The more people you recommend us to, the more traffic our site will get.

Like our posts

Scroll to the bottom of this post. You’ll see a little rectangular button with a blue star that says “Like.” If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read, click the “like button.  Some bloggers’ buttons will look different–some have a thumbs up button and others have a heart that changes colors when you click on it. No matter what, clicking on the like button will show us that you’ve read the post and it resonated with you.

React to and share our social media posts

Comment on our Facebook and Instagram posts. Retweet our tweets. Add a heart or thumbs up under a post. Comment. Share those social media posts. All of these will help support your blogger friends.

Compliment us

It’s important to realize that blogging is hard work. It takes time and energy. I learned a lot my first summer of blogging, but that was my main take-away.  Please compliment us and show us that blogging is worth the time and effort.

Final Thoughts on Ways to Support Your Blogger Friends

In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed these thirteen ways to support your blogger friends and family. Most of all, I hope this encourages you to interact with their posts and social media accounts. And, as always, I want you to know how much your support and encouragement means to me. Thank you so much!





Sharing is caring!

49 Replies to “Ways to Support Your Blogger Friends”

  1. Yes yes yes to all of this! I find that a lot of my friends and family dont really know the amount of work that goes into a blog. It’s the little things that could help!

  2. These are such good reminders! It is so important to support other bloggers and create an amazing community.

    1. Simple yet effective reminders. For a new blogger support is really important.
      Thanks for being there.
      PS- I’m following your social media accounts.

  3. My closest friends and family have been incredibly supportive since I decided to pick my blog back up. Reading these tips makes me happy because they are doing most of these things already.

  4. I love your list! All of this are very sweet and kind gestures if our friends do this for us! A small compliment would be perfect hopefull I’ll get one from my friends.

  5. ALL OF THIS!!! I’m not sure people realize how helpful and supportive all of these things are. There’ so much thrown at people thee days that it become a blur! Sharing now!

  6. These are some great tips to help each other’s blog grow meanwhile supporting them and engaging with their content! 👍

  7. I’ve often had friends ask if they can help support, so this is a great post to share with them. Really handy guide, thank you.

  8. Great tips. This is why I always share and comment the blog posts from my friends. Appreciating their work will help them keep going.

  9. Supporting friends who blog is a great way to connect. Soon I will show you what I have been working on. Thanks for the great article.

  10. I think it’s amazing that you wrote this post. We always see posts about bloggers getting more traffic but we never see how friends can support them more. I saw this post and immediately posted it on my Snapchat lol. This post is great, thank you!!

  11. As someone who has been blogging for six months, i appreciate this article. Amazing and thought provoking. I like when someone follows me or shares an article. It means they are supporting me. Thanks for this.
    Jerry Godinho

  12. Great tips in ways to support bloggers friends. Part of gaining the support of friends is educating them about how they can help. Pre-blogging I would never have thought of each of these items as a way to support a blogging friends. Now I love when friends comment or share our blog.

  13. There are very few things related to blogging that make me happier than when I see someone I know has signed up for my emails or shared my post on social media. It is just the best to know they want to support me by doing that. I’ve also had business cards made so friends and family can tell people about my stuff. I’m definitely sharing this, because everyone needs to see just how important that support is for bloggers.

  14. It’s good to support you friend when they are doing something that brings them joy, and with all this I’ll be able to support my friends even more, thank you for sharing 😀

  15. I LOVE this and wish I could send it to all of my friends. I have a pretty good support system, but my friends truly sat down, read my posts, shared, subscribed, and gave me feedback, I’d feel like I wasn’t going through this journey alone. Thank you for this!

  16. This is such an easy read and an excellent way to explain to our non-blogger friends a little more about our world. Thanks so much for this post! I’m sharing it to my facebook page now so hopefully my friends will read it and know how they can best support me;)

  17. I enjoyed reading this post! I agree as a blogger I like when people like comment and subscribe to my post! I like knowing people enjoyed my hard work. Because like you said blogging is hard work!

  18. These are wonderful tips every blogger ‘s friends, family need to understand and support the blogger. Family and Friends are the backbone for everyone. Their help and support is must in the struggle phase until the blogger gets fame and all set. Thank you Tracy for supporting me.

  19. Love this! I’ve been struggling with how to tell my friends and family that I want their support and letting them know exactly how to support me! Thanks so much for sharing this- it’s super helpful!😊

  20. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this post. I wish more bloggers would share, read and interact with other bloggers from diffrent sectors. I felt your post to be really interesting and thanks for sharing it.

    Like you say, a quick read over a cuppa tea helps the blogger out and the reader might learn something too!

  21. Everything we put our hearts and hands to is made so much better when we have the support of our friends and family. I think most friends believe that they are genuinely supporting you by telling you you’re doing a great job on your site. I love that this shows them how much more they can help you by interacting on the site.

  22. I love it when people comment after truly and honestly reading one of our blogs. It at least lets me know that the hours I spend daily on the site after completing my full time isn’t a total waste. Blogging was way harder than I ever thought it would be and it keeps evolving on a daily basis. I’m excited for our future and terrified all the same. Great tips for sure!

  23. There is no greater joy than a friend supporting your dreams and passion. Great tips. Bloggers need support too in order for the flame and love to endure.

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