Easter Eggstavaganza: The First Annual Cleland Clan Egg Hunt

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As a child, I loved Easter. However, I don’t ever remember going to an Easter egg hunt when I was young. That all changed after Ian was born. My kids were extremely lucky to have their Aunt Chris and Uncle Tom who put on amazing Easter egg hunts each year.  The kids always looked forward to lunch at the Russells the Saturday before Easter with their cousins, Mallorie and Darrin, followed by  a romp around the backyard scooping up candy-filled plastic eggs that the Easter Bunny (also known as Uncle Tom) had left for them.

2004 Egg Hunt at the Russells: Ian, Mallorie, Meghan, Darrin, Rory, and Katie

Uncle Tom was a master  at concealing eggs.  In 2004, the kids had to find certain color eggs–Ian had green, Meg had yellow, and Rory had orange. Tom didn’t just drop them on the ground either!

Darrin even had to climb a tree!
Look up, Rory! Your egg is on the bird feeder.

Now that we have our own grandchildren, I decided to start our own Easter tradition. Even though the babies are all under three, when Meghan said she was coming up this weekend, I decided to go for it. As usual, Dennis thinks I’m crazy.

This year’s crew consisted of J.R. (age 2 1/2), Violet (age 2), Sinopa (age 4), Kairi (age 1 1/2), and Adelyn (age 1 1/2).

I may have gone a little overboard. We really didn’t need 250 eggs, but the kids had a lot of fun.

It was hard making sure all the candy was appropriate for kids ages 18 months and up. Although, I am perfectly aware that their parents will probably eat most of it.

Next year, Josh will be big enough to join in.

After all the eggs were found, we went inside to see what was inside (even though Ady looked in each of hers as she picked them up).

Grammy Debbie also treated us to a great lunch! Thanks, Mom!

Can’t wait to do it again next year! Happy Easter!

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4 Replies to “Easter Eggstavaganza: The First Annual Cleland Clan Egg Hunt”

  1. I love seeing family traditions! I don’t have a family of my own yet, but I love inspiration for the future tradions I will build😁

  2. I love how you’re starting your own traditions with your wee grandbabies! The pictures are too cute also. Thanks for sharing.

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