Puppy Love: Introducing Our Newest Family Member

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As many of our readers know, we lost our beloved chocolate lab, Indiana, unexpectedly last spring. Indy was such a loving, energetic dog, and we still miss her terribly. I wasn’t sure if or when I’d be ready for another puppy. However, our children surprised us this weekend with a wonderful gift: a beautiful new cocoa-colored baby.

The Surprise

I’d been in Colorado for three weeks because our oldest daughter was having her second baby (more about our new little  chunk later), and Dennis was working at the University of Missouri, moving the State Historical Society into the new Center for Missouri Studies.  Aubree had insisted for months that we both had to be home for Ady’s birthday camping trip over Father’s Day weekend. I knew something was up. After all, she and Krystal had been telling me for three months that they hadn’t forgotten my birthday. However, I really thought they were planning a weekend getaway, perhaps to the Finger Lakes in New York, the beach, or New York City.

The Build-Up

I arrived home from Colorado on Thursday, just in time to pack up the camping gear for the weekend. Dennis was due to fly in around noon on Friday. I was planning to go pick him up; however, Aubree called and said she was headed to Akron for brunch with a friend and that she would pick him up. Since it would save me three hours of driving, I agreed.

Did I mention that Dennis was in on the secret? Or that they had picked up the puppy earlier that morning? No? Sorry. I’m still not sure what all went on that day; the kids were very secretive. All I know is that Dennis got to meet our new puppy before Aubree dropped him off at Carney-McNicholas.

Anyhow, back to my story…

Heading to camp

I picked Dennis up at the office around four and we headed to the campground at Mosquito Lake State Park to set up our tent. We took our nine-year-old labradoodle with us, but left my parents’ elderly dog, Angel, at their house. I tried to get my sister-in-law to let Angel out, but unbeknownst to me, Aubree was texting her telling her to not answer. We left the park, took care of Angel and headed back to camp.

Delays and detours

Along the way, Dennis decided to call the kids to see if they needed us to pick anything up at the store. Little did I know this was all a ruse! They just wanted to delay us.

The Puppy Presentation

Finally, we got back to camp. Ian and Krystal had arrived, but the little kids were all in the camper. Aubree and Krystal told me that they hadn’t forgotten about my birthday back in March and that they’d been planning a surprise since Christmas. Meghan put a little kink in the plans by getting pregnant (the girls had been worried that I couldn’t be back in town by the time the puppy was ready).  Then they gave me a pink metallic heart with the name Pennsylvania on it.  I knew right away.

How did I know?

All of our dogs since 2000 have been named for states. It started back when Ian was young. He came home from a friend’s house saying that Andrew had golden retriever puppies. I asked him what their older dogs were named. He told me Dakota and Arizona. Arizona was really Annie, but by then we were stuck on the state names. Montana was the first, followed by Alabama ten years later, then Indiana.

Note: Dennis had dogs growing up. Several of them were named Penny. Our little Pennsylvania would be shortened to Penny, as well. If you have five Pennies, you have a nickel–our little Penny is number four.

A puppy sits on top of an end table.
What, Mom? Wasn’t I supposed to jump onto the end table?

Our baby

The kids brought out our wiggling bundle of joy, complete with ribbons and bows. She had a gift bag with a few toys and a leash.  I almost cried.

Penny was so good while we were camping. She slept in a crate in the tent and whined at 1:30 in the morning and at 6 a.m. to go out–no accidents! After we got home, there were a couple of accidents, but not many. She’s curious, like Indy, and ended up in the shower that first morning.

Alabama isn’t sure about Penny. Penny wants to play, but Allie ignores her for the most part. I’m sure they’ll become friends eventually, probably after Angel goes home. Poor Allie’s life has been in an uproar for the last month and now she has a new sibling!

Penny likes to hide under the coffee table.


Giving a Puppy as  a Gift

AAAAAAAAAAD (Penny wrote that.)

Giving a puppy as a gift isn’t usually a good idea, unless you know that person really wants a dog and has the time, energy, and financial resources to take care of it. The kids did check with Dennis ahead of time which was really smart. They also knew that I would be off  during the summer and that I would have time to train the puppy then. A puppy is a lifelong commitment–not your lifetime, but his or hers. You will be her entire world. Puppies require a lot of attention and love. They’re not always easy, but they are worth it.

Penny has grown so much in the past week. Allie is finally starting to warm up to her. I’m not getting a lot done. All I do is wrangle dogs, but I wouldn’t change it. I’m looking forward to many more good times with our pups.



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20 Replies to “Puppy Love: Introducing Our Newest Family Member”

  1. oh my! she is the cutest! I love labs esp chocolate labs. my first dog was a choco lab so I totally have a weak spot. Hello Pennsylvania!

  2. Hello Pennsylvania, you’re so cute! I love that you name them states. It totally works with your family and all the traveling you do. And I adore Penny for short.

  3. Aww the dog is soo cute! I feel like giving a tight hug to her and playing with her 😂 I quite liked how she looks so neat and clean and oh her hair is so shiny! I am glad that the empty space has been filled for you now. 🙂

  4. She is so cute, and what an amazing surprise!!! I love that everyone got into it! I can’t imagine life without a dog! They bring so much joy into the home, enjoy her!

  5. Hi! Congratulations on your new addition, Penny! She is adorable! That was a very considerate gift and required lots of planning! Best of luck and keep us posted! Melissa Damiani | Gratitude Grace Glamour

  6. Penny is soooo cute! I just have one cat these days, and I’m happy that way. My Tigger will live out the rest of his days being the only animal in our house. I really wish I had the space for a dog, but I don’t right now. One day I will, and I want a solid black German Shepard. I plan to name him Diesel. I’m excited to hear more about your new addition to the family as she grows and becomes part of your family.

  7. Dogs are just as much work as kids but life is not complete without them!! Pennsylvania (Penny?) is beautiful!!

  8. She is so cute, I’ve been debating when I’ll be ready to get another puppy. I miss my cute Lilly I had to let her go. Pets are the best thing you can ever ask for as a gift and especially if you have kids.

  9. Wow, so interesting to read your surprise story of introduction of new puppy by your kids. You are so lucky and loved by your family members. Stay blessed and loved. Puppy is lucky too to get such a loving family. I wish one day we could get a puppy .

  10. Oh, I am in love!!! Penny is just adorable. That wee face! What a lovely gift from your family – you must be delighted. I wish you and your family lots of happiness ahead with Penny. Looking forward to puppy pics and puppy tales. Hopefully you don’t have too many puppy puddles to clean up. 🐶

  11. I LOVE PENNY! The picture of her on the end table is so stinking cute. If i owned a farm I woudl probably have 100 dogs as they just make me so happy. Accidents and waking me up at 4 in the morning to go out and all. They enrich our life in so many ways. I’m glad your family surprised you with her. You’re lucky to have her and she’s equally as lucky to have you all.

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