My July Reading List

Dennis & Tracy's Amazing Adventures
When Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom opened on October 1, 1971, there were only 22 attractions, including the parades and fireworks show. Several of those rides and attractions are still operating today, delighting children of all ages and bringing joy to thousands each day. Parents and young grandparents (like us) can bring their little ones to enjoy the same toddler-friendly Magic Kingdom rides that we loved when we were their ages.
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Penny is an international traveler! “How?” you ask. Well, she took her first trip to Canada right before she turned three months old. Taking your dog to Canada is really not that difficult if you know what to take and which documents are required.
Penny has just turned three months old and is an active, energetic little chocolate lab. She’s had a few behaviors that we want to nip in the bud, and because of that, we’ve invested in a few products to help us solve these common puppy problems. I’ve decided to share the products with you in the event that they could help another family.
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Cheyenne, Wyoming, isn’t really on the way to Denver from Northeastern Ohio, whether you choose the northern I-80 route or the southern I-70 route. However, it really isn’t that far out of the way. Dennis had spent a lot of time in Cheyenne and Laramie working, and he wanted to show me a few of his favorite places in historic Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming.
Continue reading “9 Ways to Explore Historic Cheyenne, Magic City of the Plains”
So, you have a friend. Sounds crazy, right? But, you do. And, said friend has decided to start a blog. How can you support your amazing friend and her efforts? Luckily, there are several easy ways to support your blogger friends.
Our new chocolate lab Penny has been a wonderful addition to our family. However, like many puppies, she’s easily bored and wants to play or chew most of the time–actually any time that she’s not sleeping. The other day I took her shopping to chose a few new toys–eight fun products that you’ll want for your new puppy too.
Continue reading “8 Fun Puppy Products You’ll Want for Your New Dog”
As many of our readers know, we lost our beloved chocolate lab, Indiana, unexpectedly last spring. Indy was such a loving, energetic dog, and we still miss her terribly. I wasn’t sure if or when I’d be ready for another puppy. However, our children surprised us this weekend with a wonderful gift: a beautiful new cocoa-colored baby.
Continue reading “Puppy Love: Introducing Our Newest Family Member”
Looking for an interesting place to stop along I-70 in Kansas? Try the Moon Marble Company located south of exit 224 in Banner Springs, Kansas, a mere 20 miles west of Kansas City. Located at 600 East Front Street, the Moon Marble Company occupies an unassuming building that is much larger inside than it looks on the outside. Open from 10-5 Monday through Saturday, it’s a great stop for both children and adults. If you’re lucky, you’ll even be able to watch an artisan demonstrate how marbles are made. The glass artists explain the history of marbles and how they are made from 10:30 until 3:00 on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays during the year, and daily in the summer.
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